Thursday, April 17, 2014


So apparently it has been over a year since I have posted. I did slow down on my movies some and I have found that i've very bad at expressing myself anymore. Apparently I'm much more of a Verbal person. Or atleast i'm much funnier in person.
  Anyways My tip for the month. Super Hero's are always the way to go

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Avengers... Finally

So I'm up for no good reasons tonight. I figured I should at least be slightly productive. We finally saw Avengers! I loved it. I have the benefit of loving super hero's but never reading the comic books. Which means as long as it follows the saturday night cartoons I don't get all upset.
   I feel that you can't go wrong with such a big name cast. Also I loved all the individual movies for our hero's . I think of the individual movies I liked Captain America best. I would be interested in more back ground for black widow and Hawkeye.

 Overall its a good fun movie. While yeah there is a lot of action its not all crazy over the top stuff (usually) It does have a lot of really funny lines ie 'puny god'. The short scene after credits had me cracking up

If for some reason you have not seen this movie because of the usual problems like being trapped under a rock. Go see it, it will be a nice celebration after being trapped under a rock

Monday, September 24, 2012


So finally watched the last M. Night Shyamalan. It was pretty good, not quite what I was expecting. I really liked the ending. I was surprised to not find Shyamalan in the actual film. General Principle is on an old story on how the devil likes to come and torture bad people before taking them to hell. In this case the people are trapped in an Elevator. Which is an interesting idea because if you think about it elevator doors are not that hard to open. It did have some interesting plot idea's.  I'm interested to see what the next Night Chronicle story will be. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

I knew better.. but i watched it anyways.

Yeah, I watched it. I couldn't help myself. It came on tv and I became curious once I realized Patrick Swayze was in it. Basically we have to same story only in Cuba. So the dancing gets more.. um.. er.. touchy. So two sisters again, and a relationship with the dad and his favorite daughter. Towards the end I did get rather snarky at my comments to the tv. I guess I have seen worst movies. If it is on tv and you have never seen it, go for it. Otherwise don't waste a rental fee.

So **Spoilers**
Like the original there is disapproval from the parents, he is lower class and then everyone makes up. But as always they don't end up together in the end.

Also though Patrick Swayze was in it, It said nothing about him or if he was suppose to be Johnny.

Final Notes for anyone that has seen the movie.. Did anyone else wonder if she got knocked up and now is an outcast in america for being not only a teen mom in the 50's but for having a Cuban baby. I mean college is totally out and her boyfriend didn't love her enough to go with her. Also one night stand is so much easier with an ocean in the way

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Fall is coming

 I really feel that I should consider quitting my job to have more time with my movies and books. I'm so behind on everything right now. I haven't even made it out to see avengers yet! I know, right how could it be in the cinema for 4 months and I not have time to watch it. Oh well. I do have high hopes for seeing it in the next couple weeks.
 For those of you that do not know. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is in Imax theaters for this week. I think its to celebrate it being released on blue ray, but really its because they are tired of making new crappy movies with no original thought that they realized they can just re release good/classic movies and just make new money off of them. I tip my hat to the studios for some great thinking. Now if only we could convince them to not re make the Thin man movie and just re release a wonderful classic everything would be hunky dory.
So what movies are you guys looking forward to this fall/winter. I'm thinking the most anticipated with be from the  fan boys for The Hobbit. Unfortunately December is still a wait, let alone the almost 3 years for them to release all parts of The Hobbit.

Oh and in other news. Who else has heard rumors of a Snow White and the Huntsman 2. Really guys, couldn't just end on a high note, pat yourselves on the back and move on? No, alright go ahead and beat a dead horse into the ground, peta will find you.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Slow movie week

So I will admit that it has been a slow week. I need more fun time for movies. I did watch two movies tonight and they were great fun. But I have already talked about them. Inception and Captain America. I still recommend them, and enjoyed them greatly. What did you guys watch this week?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Batman the Dark Knight Rises

Just Saying the title you can here the intense music in the back of your head. I've been waiting anxiously to go see this one because I love Christian Bale movies and its Freakin Batman! Added bonus of Christopher Nolan Directed and wrote for the movie (Inception was awesome).

Overall I'm going to say go see this movie, its Freakin Batman! But overall I hated the movie and left calling lame sauce. I will go into some of the reason I disliked it and I will admit part of the dislike might have come from the fact that it is the end of the trilogy. But on to more concrete top 10 complaints, welcome to the Spoiler section..
 ** Spoiler Alert**
1) I didn't like the fact that our hero has been lying low and not seen for 8 years at the beginning of this film. Not only would it be suspicious that Batman and Bruce Wayne disappeared and were never seen again starting at the same time. But Bruce did keep up pretenses for his family name.
2) Catwoman was a secretary in the comic not a ... I'm pretty sure a Whore
3) Alfred's abandonment seemed.. out of place. It is possible to voice disapproval and not abandon a person.
4) Wayne enterprises went almost bust and Bruce didn't know anything about it?
5) Are you really telling me Miranda came to town at least 8 years ago plotting revenge but didn't really get going on any of it for 8 years while Bruce could quietly hide out
6) Bane said he was born into hell and never saw the sun until he was a grown man.. But the only child ever born in hell was the child of Ra's Al Ghul, whom is not Bane
7) Really Miranda is all evil seeking revenge but yet has sex with Bruce Wayne? The argument that she needed is trust to get access to the bomb doesn't work, she already had all that.
8) Really the Cop Orphan knew Bruce Wayne was batman when Bruce visited the children's home? How young is this cop suppose to be if he was still in the orphan home when batman showed up.
9) Speaking of the Cop Blake, Really his legal name is Robin? Well he was not in the circus and his parents died at different time.
10) So Batman fakes his own death, after blowing his secret identity to almost everyone in the film and runs off to have his happy life with catwoman the reformed whore? It just doesn't fit to me, nor leaving all his bat gear to Robin, who is what going to be the new batman? Blah

oh and here is number 11. Just for good measure, So Batman is off in the desert prison and City goes to crap and no one is allowed off or onto the city. Here is my question with all the Bat gear in the city and Batman out of the city How did he get back into the city to kill the bad guys??!!