Friday, July 23, 2010


So i cant say much without spoiler alerts all over here and I want to watch the movie again to collect my thoughts. In the mean time I highly recommend going to see this movie. Than you can leave me messages about what you thought, while i'm still gathering my thoughts

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dear John

Most of us have a rocky relationship with Nicolas Sparks movies. They mostly all end the same, very sad with someone dead. Its like a kiddy coaster ride, its up, its down, does a little shake and then over all leaves you disappointed.
The story line is like all his other movies, there is this great and wonderful romance, there is a fight, then they make up and then someone dies.. roll credits. The bright side to Dear John I suppose is that the person you expect to die isn't the one to die.
I did find the interactions with John and other people to be interesting especially the relationship between him and his father. I also tend to like the actress Amanda Seyfried (ever since Mama Mia, its fun go see it). I didn't like the relationship between John and sevannah (Amanda Seyfried). I thought it was weak and forced in the beginning and then I just started getting bored and checking the time. My overall recommendation is rent something else, or take a nap your time will be better spent.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I just finished reading the book Rebecca last week. So in honor of this accomplishment I decided to rent the 1940's Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca.
Brief summary of the storyline. A young woman is traveling as a companion in Monte Carlo where she meets a rich, slightly older man and falls in love. His name is Mr. De Winter. He's a little rough around the edges temperament wise and his first wife Rebecca died a year ago in a boating accident. Our young lady and Mr De Winter marry and go back to his estate were the new Mrs. De Winter has to struggle with the feeling of being second best and always being compared to Rebecca. There's is a little something for everyone, romance, death, little mystery, murder and a scary housekeeper.
I felt the movie did a great job. It stayed fairly true to the book, the slight changes that were made i felt did not hurt the story line. The book had Rebecca being shot, and the movie had it more of an accident being hit with some hard tackle.
I do feel it important to say that Laurence Olivier was amazing as Max De Winter. I don't think I've ever really stopped and took notice of Olivier before this. I read one article comparing Laurence Oliver to Cary Grant and I can see why. Both boys are English, with great sexy little accents (i'm just sayin), they are also very suave and charming.
Defiantly a M stamp of approval. Why waste time with some of this new crap they are making, watch a classic, it will be a delightful change of pace.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Letters to Juliet

So to start off, I want it clear that I dislike Romeo and Juliet. Greatest love story of all time, my butt. No one ever pays attention to the fact that Romeo was going to the party where he met juliet to get over the last 'greatest love' of his young crappy life. She was sheltered and he had raging hormones. I'm not even going to go into the killing themselves, how emo.
All my Shakespeare issues aside I do tend to like a good corny love story. The base of the story was sweet and simple. I really enjoyed the characters as well. I believe my favorite character was the grandmother Claire that wrote the letter 50 years ago that gets the whole story going. I did find her grandson Charlie randomly distracting when he walked. This has nothing to do with the movie itself but his feet stuck out funny when he walked and it often became my focus on the scene.
I did have one problem with the storyline that bugged me. The theory was that True Love is true no matter the age or time frame. So Claire's true love from 50 years ago, is still her true love. I felt this was sad because Claire did move on the have a husband and a family. It was like saying she settled and all those happy years and her family were less then they were. Charlie even said at one point something along the lines of "my grandfather was her soul mate don't try to put down my entire existence". The story was like this for Claire and her 'Romeo' and I found it really sad.
Overall, a fun little movie. If you watch it, keep an eye out for the balcony at the end, it gave me a giggle