I really feel that I should consider quitting my job to have more time with my movies and books. I'm so behind on everything right now. I haven't even made it out to see avengers yet! I know, right how could it be in the cinema for 4 months and I not have time to watch it. Oh well. I do have high hopes for seeing it in the next couple weeks.
For those of you that do not know. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is in Imax theaters for this week. I think its to celebrate it being released on blue ray, but really its because they are tired of making new crappy movies with no original thought that they realized they can just re release good/classic movies and just make new money off of them. I tip my hat to the studios for some great thinking. Now if only we could convince them to not re make the Thin man movie and just re release a wonderful classic everything would be hunky dory.
So what movies are you guys looking forward to this fall/winter. I'm thinking the most anticipated with be from the fan boys for The Hobbit. Unfortunately December is still a wait, let alone the almost 3 years for them to release all parts of The Hobbit.
Oh and in other news. Who else has heard rumors of a Snow White and the Huntsman 2. Really guys, couldn't just end on a high note, pat yourselves on the back and move on? No, alright go ahead and beat a dead horse into the ground, peta will find you.
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