Tucker & Dale vs Evil is not your typical horror movie, its more a gore movie but well its freakin Hilarious. Premise is that Tucker & Dale are big hillbillies that are a little misunderstood. College Kids (yes they refer to the whole group as college kids) believe that the hillbillies are trying to kill them. So the body count piles up, but not because of crazed hillbillies. Its very funny, some of it gets a little far fetched but still funny.
**Spoiler Alert that my fellow browncoats would agree with me on**
Towards the end when Tucker is all beat up leaning against a tree, I was dying to here him say "i am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar" and actually while i'm on spoiler alert here. I loved when the guys are talking to the sheriff and the sitting down to tea.
Anyways worth a laugh and its freakin Alan Tudyk!! Watch it, you know you want to
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