So Apparently the couple updates done from my phone, never actually updated. So Sorry. With Wintereen coming up There should be actually some real updates. I admit though part of the delay comes from my 55 hour work weeks and the fact that my hp computer is a piece of crap. (word to the wise never get an Hp.. Ever)
Anyways Short update. Tonight we knocked out a classic and horror movie in the name of the Halloween Weekend. The Exorcist! I can sum this up easily. While yes, it is considered a classic so it is important that I finally watched it, I was bored. It had a few creepy moments, the girl was gross and creepy. It took FOREVER to get anywhere. and **spoiler Alert*** It had what every 70 and 80's horror movie. Green goo, demons, heads spinning, death and like every demon movie the priest at the end can't handle the pressure and asks the demon to take him instead and DIES.
If it wasn't for watching the Tv show Walking Dead, the night could have been a bust :)
*also no pictures, no one wants to see that
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