With the new year comes new resolutions. I'm not normally into making resolutions, because let us be truly honest resolutions are rarely ever kept anyways. I at the least am going to make a real effort into posting once a week and if not once a week at the least having 4 posts a month. That is the goal any way.
On to today's Movie, Queen Victoria. I have recently been into books and movies on Queens, so I decided to re watch this movie because I remember enjoying it in the theatre. I think Emily Blunt makes a rather stunning Victoria and that is always a good image for a queen. I must admit I have only read one actual book on Victoria that was written in the early 19oo's so I can't say much on how well the movie kept to actual events. Being a movie though we have to allow for some dramatic effect. I found the whole movie to good. I enjoyed the dialogue and the letters that Albert and Victoria sent to each other. Plus for that time period it is rather amazing that they had 9 living children together. I think my favorite part of the movie was the ending when it is talking about their lives together after the movie takes place, since as the movie title implies it is only about Victoria's early reign . Great movie i recommend it for all ages.
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