A Random Blog about movies, new ones, old ones, anything that floats my boat for the day
Monday, January 31, 2011
Dear movies, I can explain! So I'm sure people have noticed the lack of movies posted lately. I have not decided to mend my addicted movie ways. I have just been watching the last 3 seasons of big bang theory.. I have to say I love that show. It makes me giggle often and the added guest appearance of wil wheaton only adds more good things to each episode. Plus for those of you that some how live under a rock and don't know about firefly, this would make no sense to you but I love the random firefly references. So in closing, watch firefly or die a boring life then watch big bang theory it is also enjoyable
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Remains of the Day

So Remains of the Day came out back in 93, but I hadn't gotten the chance to watch it until this past weekend. I was warned ahead of time that it is an extremely sad stories. It is the story of a Butler (Anthony Hopkins) that sacrifices everything in service, pre and post world war 2 and realizes to late all that he has missed.
While the story is sad, it is extremely well done. Of course I did already mention Anthony Hopkins, so it is bound to be good ( I plan to over look that whole Wolfman movie, it didn't happen, he can't be blamed). His Character Mr. Stevens was endearing while being completely stressful to watch because I felt he wasn't socially able to interact properly with people around him. Actually he could be endearing because he reminds me of an ex-boyfriend.
Also in the film was Emma Thompson who played the housekeeper. She plays opposite Hopkins well and i enjoyed their interaction. **Spoiler alert*** There is no happy ending, which is why I probably enjoyed it so much. I recommend it for a nice quiet evening, not one where you are looking for warm fuzzy feelings.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
This post might end up looking a little off and it won't have super cool
pictures because I'm actually posting from my phone. So lets cross our
fingers that it turns out ok.
Leatherheads is the story of a 'pro football' player Dodge trying to keep his team from going broke and dispersing like many of the other teams. He attempts to do this with an WWI vet that is a bit of a legend and a 'keep you on your toes' reporter that is playing both sides a bit.
On to Leatherheads. For someone that hates watching sports, I have often
found myself enjoying sport themed movies. George Clooney is usually a
fun actor to watch and in this movie I felt myself torn between laughter
and feeling bad for the guy. I enjoyed it, we laughed many times all
through the film. There is even a great fight scene that I greatly
enjoyed that ranked right up there with my favorite fight scenes from
Bridgette Jones Diaries. Over all its a fun for the family little film,
plus who doesn't like the 20's and 30's?
pictures because I'm actually posting from my phone. So lets cross our
fingers that it turns out ok.
Leatherheads is the story of a 'pro football' player Dodge trying to keep his team from going broke and dispersing like many of the other teams. He attempts to do this with an WWI vet that is a bit of a legend and a 'keep you on your toes' reporter that is playing both sides a bit.
On to Leatherheads. For someone that hates watching sports, I have often
found myself enjoying sport themed movies. George Clooney is usually a
fun actor to watch and in this movie I felt myself torn between laughter
and feeling bad for the guy. I enjoyed it, we laughed many times all
through the film. There is even a great fight scene that I greatly
enjoyed that ranked right up there with my favorite fight scenes from
Bridgette Jones Diaries. Over all its a fun for the family little film,
plus who doesn't like the 20's and 30's?
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We watched this movie New Year's Eve, not that that information is important, just saying. Anyways Frantic is an earlier Harrison Ford film where he plays a Doctor that has traveled for Paris with his wife for some conference he is to lecture in. His wife goes missing, no one believes him that she has been abducted and he doesn't speak a word of french. As you can guess he finds help with a less than honest smuggler and he starts to unravel the mystery of why his wife was taken. Mild spoiler here, Harrison Ford does flash all his junk to the camera while trying to hide behind a tiny teddy bear. Yes it is as disturbing as you might imagine, also do try not to imagine it.
At first i was concerned that the plot of a Dr traveling to overseas with his wife, having her turn up missing and him wandering around trying to find out what is happening sounded a little too familiar, like the trailer for Unknown with Liam Neeson coming out Feb 18. Don't worry guys I looked into and I think for once a new movie coming out is Not a remake of an earlier film.
Over all the film wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. If it is on tv and your bored go for it, but if not your not really missing much.
A New Year, A New Goal and Queen Victoria

With the new year comes new resolutions. I'm not normally into making resolutions, because let us be truly honest resolutions are rarely ever kept anyways. I at the least am going to make a real effort into posting once a week and if not once a week at the least having 4 posts a month. That is the goal any way.
On to today's Movie, Queen Victoria. I have recently been into books and movies on Queens, so I decided to re watch this movie because I remember enjoying it in the theatre. I think Emily Blunt makes a rather stunning Victoria and that is always a good image for a queen. I must admit I have only read one actual book on Victoria that was written in the early 19oo's so I can't say much on how well the movie kept to actual events. Being a movie though we have to allow for some dramatic effect. I found the whole movie to good. I enjoyed the dialogue and the letters that Albert and Victoria sent to each other. Plus for that time period it is rather amazing that they had 9 living children together. I think my favorite part of the movie was the ending when it is talking about their lives together after the movie takes place, since as the movie title implies it is only about Victoria's early reign . Great movie i recommend it for all ages.
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