Friday, June 18, 2010

Toy Story 3

I have to say, sequels, prequels, number 622 of movies are usually a let down. Its grasping at straws and trying to force something that isn't there. The characters usually change too and its disappointing and the story line is a stretch.
This is mind.. i really enjoyed Toy Story 3. I enjoyed the characters and the plot. I think part of the charm for Toy Story is that as a younger kid, I always imagined that my toys came alive at night. Part of this stems from a book I had, where the little girl had to get a new bed because she had to have all of her toys sleep with her because she didn't want to offend any of them. Before the bed solution, her parents even tried giving toys away, but the toys came back at night.
As for Toy Story.. It had sadness and joy. In the beginning you feel bad for the toys that are no longer used and have no purpose anymore. I was really saddened that Bo Peep was no longer around, she went away in the passage of time. My aliens are still there though.
I like the villians, they made me smile. there is an attack called Death by Monkeys that made me laugh as well. Some of the complaints that I heard before seeing the movie didn't bother me. I heard people complaining that there is a long dancing scene with spanish Buzz. This isn't long and it is funny. The interaction with Ken and Barbie is hilarious, and fits very much with my barbie stereo type.
I will warn that the movie gets a little emotional towards the end. i even cried some, which of course means my sister sobbed. I saw several high school boys that were misty.
I give this movie the M Stamp of approval. Bam Said the Lady, go and see it


  1. I just re-read your review for the first time since I saw it. People complained about the dance scene with Spanish Buzz being too long? That was flipping hilarious!! And you are right- it wasn't that long. And did I mention it was hilarious?? Sheesh, people.

  2. It was Hilarious! I don't see the point of complaining especially since alot of the complaints i heard were before the movie came out
