Tuesday, May 25, 2010

You've Got Mail

Just a quick note on this classic chic flick of Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. First off, I love it. Its great fun and tom hanks is very sweet in it. I also really like the dialog between the two of them via email. Here is the one thing that bugs me, the very end. Yes its great that they get together. My favorite line is when he is telling her something like "do you ever wonder what would have happened if I wasn't the big bad book store and you weren't the shop around the corner? I would have asked for your number and I wouldn't have been able to wait 24 hours before i called you up for lunch or dinner or a movie.. for as long as we both shall live" Its sweet. Problem, Meg Ryan's character would have met him in the park and been pissed that he knew who she was almost the whole time and never said anything. Come on people this is the woman that was beyond mad about him being in the shop with the kids while hiding his identity. Tom hanks even asks how she can forgive Ny152 for standing her up but not forgive him for putting her out of business. In the end yes she would have forgiven him, but first i'm just saying she would be pissed.

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