I have now gone to see Inception for the second time. i found it just as enjoyable as the first time. I took my dad this time and he felt it was one of the best movies that came out this year. Of course Harry Potter won't be out till November, I feel it will be able to hold its own atleast with me.
I did have some reserves to going to see Inception. First off the Trailer. While it perked my interest i can honestly say that I had no idea whatsoever on what the movie was about. I did find a few things online about the movie. My interest was still peaked, but my next reserve was I had a strong fear of this being a new 'matrix'. I put that all on the back burner, decided not to dwell on the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio was the main character and decided to look forward to the movie.
The movie was really good. The plot had lots of twists and kept me interested and guessing. I liked all the actors. I find my two favorite characters were supporting roles, Josepf Gordon-Levitt who played Arthur and Tom Hardy who played Eames. They had great lines and interaction.
This isn't much of a spoiler because people have been talking about this like crazy since Inception came out but I like that the ending leaves you guessing. Which leads me into my huge ***Spoiler alert*** Read further at your own risk
I think that Cobb is still in a dream at the end. First off there was no more 'kicks' to wake him or Saito up. Also the Children. Cobb had been gone for while and kids grow like freaking weeds there is no way that those children are wearing the exact same clothes that he last saw them in.
I have a few other complaints with some of the plot but nothing that can't be over looked.
I repeat, See this movie